Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
In director George Lucas' sequel to the prequel-trilogy
- it was one of the most popular, profitable, entertaining, and successful
science fiction/action - adventure/fantasy films of all time. It
was the first film of the series (in the original saga), and the fourth film
in terms of chronology. This was the only "Star Wars" movie
to be nominated for the Best Picture Academy Award.
It advanced special-effects technology to a degree
unseen before, with computerized and digitally-timed special effects,
and ultimately helped to resurrect the financial viability of the
science-fiction genre, a category of films that was considered frivolous
and unprofitable. The phrase "May the Force be with you" came
into common usage.
The mythological tale of space-age heroism (fighting
Evil for the sake of Good) featured unique, memorable and fanciful
characters - a benevolent ex-Jedi Knight (Alec Guinness), an imprisoned
Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) of the peace-loving Rebel Alliance,
two comical robotic droids (R2D2, named after a piece of film editor's
jargon - Reel 2 Dialog 2, and C3PO), a smuggler/mercenary space-pilot
(Harrison Ford), a beastly creature named Chewbacca (a Wookiee),
and an idealistic young boy (Mark Hamill) who became trained in the
righteous ways of the Force in order to rescue the captured Princess
from the evil Empire's Death Star and the dark forces of the Empire,
led by evil Darth Vader (voice of James Earl Jones/David Prowse).
With a production budget of $11 million, it grossed $1.5 million in its
limited opening weekend, and grossed $307 million (domestic) and
$775 million (worldwide), eventually earning $461 million (lifetime
domestic gross). Star Wars was nominated for 10 Academy Awards (including
Best Picture, Best Director, Best Original Screenplay, and Best Supporting
Actor (Alec Guinness)), winning six (in technical categories - Best
Art Direction, Best Costume Design, Best Film Editing, Best Score,
Best Sound, Best Visual Effects). It won a Special Achievement award for Sound Effects.
The 20th Century Fox film set box-office records and
was a critical success. However, this appealing film was criticized
for encouraging a boom in spectacular (but sometimes drab) special-effects
laden blockbusters (with thin plot lines) for decades after.
- the memorable, adventure film saga began with
an opening title card, setting the film's time frame in the distant
past: "A long time ago in a galaxy
far, far away..."; the inventive scrolling of text crawled
(or "rolled
up") into the black background of space to describe the
war, in a "far away"
galaxy, between good and evil archetypal forces; there had been
a major civil war between the forces of the Rebel Alliance against
the Empire: "Episode IV, A NEW HOPE It is a period of civil war.
Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base, have won their first
victory against the evil Galactic Empire. During the battle, Rebel
spies managed to steal secret plans to the Empire's ultimate weapon,
the DEATH STAR, an armored space station with enough power to destroy
an entire planet. Pursued by the Empire's sinister agents, Princess
Leia races home aboard her starship, custodian of the stolen plans
that can save her people and restore freedom to the galaxy...."
- in the opening, the Rebel alliance had daringly
stolen secret plans to the Empire's new battle station called the
Death Star; the planet-sized, armored
space station was commanded by Grand Moff Tarkin
(Peter Cushing); the small rebel ship belonging to Princess Leia
(Carrie Fisher) (aka Imperial Senator Leia Organa) was being pursued
by the gigantic, wedge-shaped imperial Star Destroyer spaceship
of the evil Galactic Empire that completely covered the screen;
Princess Leia was with two robots or 'droids - the beeping R2-D2
and gold-plated companion C-3PO; their ship was intercepted when
it was sucked into the underbelly of the huge, armored space vehicle
by a tractor beam
- with the corridor inside the rebel craft secured
by an advance guard of white, ceramic-like,
space-armored stormtroopers, the Emperor's elite soldiers, the dark
menacing shape of black-garbed (with a swirling cape), helmeted
and faceless Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader (David Prowse,
voice of James Earl Jones) entered the battle scene; the towering,
faceless, helmeted leader of the cruel and villainous forces during
the assault on the crippled rebel ship spoke with a commanding
voice - a vision of evil
- Princess Leia transmitted the blueprints or plans
for the Death Star battleship along with an S.O.S. plea, into the
data system face plate of her computer robot R2-D2; the
Princess was confronted and refused to surrender; she fired her blaster
at the stormtroopers, but was apprehended and taken captive prisoner
by Vader's forces; however, the two robots escaped in a spaceship pod
- Darth Vader, the Dark Lord, confronted the Princess
and demanded the plans, but the Princess denied knowledge of the
blueprints (transmissions beamed by Rebel spies to her ship, and
held in the memory of R2-D2) and refused to cooperate
- the two robots crash-landed their lifepod on Tatooine,
a backwater, arid, desert-like planet; both robots were captured by
the "Jawas" -
small, short, yellow-eyed, brown-cloaked, gremlin-like scavengers and
scrap/junk collectors of the planet; and imprisoned in a sandcrawler
with other droids; the auctioneers running the sandcrawler stopped
at a lonely homestead in the desert, where young nephew Luke Skywalker
(Mark Hamill) was being raised by moisture farmers on Tatooine, the
Owen Lars (Phil Brown) family; the two droids were purchased by Luke's
- while Luke was cleaning, polishing
and repairing R2-D2, he accidentally tripped one of its switches,
and the mechanical robot projected a three-dimensional hologram
into the middle of the room - a miniature image of a beautiful
girl, the Princess; she pleaded repetitively
for help from an old ally - the wise and noble Jedi warrior/mentor
Ben "Obi-Wan" Kenobi
(Sir Alec Guinness): "Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi.
You're my only hope"; Luke knew of a Ben Kenobi, "a strange
old hermit" who lived out beyond the Dune Sea; from
Owen, Luke learned that Obi-Wan was a friend of Luke’s father,
whom Luke never knew
- the young nephew retreated outside, where he gazed
out at Tatooine's twin suns on the horizon, and dreamed of far-off
adventures; R2-D2 was "faulty, malfunctioning. He kept babbling
on about his mission" and then wandered off into the desert
night; the next morning, Luke and C-3PO pursued the renegade runaway
droid in the family's floating land-speeder (without telling his
uncle), and were attacked by dreaded warriors known as Sand People;
an approaching mysterious stranger -- a figure in a brown, hooded
robe - scared the Sand People away; the stranger pulled back
his hood, revealing a beard and blue eyes -- it was elderly hermit
Ben Kenobi
- the group was rescued and brought by land-speeder
to Ben's desert home; Luke was told that Ben, in the time of the
Old Republic, was the last living member of a planetary Round Table
known as the Jedi Knights who had fought in the Clone Wars, before
the coming of the evil Galactic Empire: "I was once a Jedi
Knight. The same as your father"; the Jedi fighters were former
peace-keepers (using the Force), and had almost became extinct
- Ben gave Luke something
his father wanted passed down to him, a small sword-handle: his
father's elegant weapon -- a light-saber ("the
weapon of a Jedi Knight"); Luke also learned
how his Jedi father had died, he had been murdered by a former
pupil of Ben’s who turned to the dark side of the Force: ("Vader
was seduced by the dark side of the Force...The Force is what gives
a Jedi his power")
- R2-D2 was activated and Princess Leia's entire holographic
message was played - it told how the stored secret Death
Star plans inside R2-D2 must be delivered to her father on Alderaan:
("...You must see this droid safely delivered to him on Alderaan.
This is our most desperate hour. Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're
my only hope"); Kenobi then persuaded reluctant Luke to join
him part-way to Alderaan (to the local spaceport at Anchorhead,
where he could get a transport to Mos Eisley), but first emphasized
he must "learn the ways of the Force"
- after returning back to Tatooine to his
Aunt and Uncle's place, Luke found that the Imperial stormtroopers
had traced the robots there - and he found only smoke, ashes, and
the charred skeletons of his relatives; now with no other choice,
Luke agreed to be trained as a Jedi by Kenobi: ("Learn about
the Force, Luke"),
and decided to eventually go on a daring mission to rescue the
Princess, who had been taken into captivity on the Death Star:
("I want to come with you to Alderaan...I want to learn the ways of
the Force and become a Jedi like my father")
- in the dungeon of the Death Star, Princess Leia
was imprisoned in a cell; she was confronted by Darth Vader, who
threatened with a round, mechanized, mind-probe torture device,
to learn the location of the hidden Rebel base; soon after, when
the Princess resisted the torture, Tarkin ordered their course set for Alderaan
- Luke joined Ben (and the robots) and traveled in
the landspeeder to the Mos Eisley spaceport (a "wretched hive
of scum and villainy"), guarded on its outskirts by stormtroopers;
in town, Ben and Luke entered an outerspace cantina to find a
freighter-pilot to take them to Alderaan, and inside found bizarre
and intimidating space creatures and aliens; an alien jazz band
played in the spacebar, and other cutthroat lifeforms and creatures
sat at tables or at the bar, drinking
- the two found a freighter pilot, hot-shot Corellian
smuggler and mercenary flyer Han Solo (Harrison Ford) accompanied
by a tall, enormous 7 foot tall furry anthropoid creature, Chewbacca
the Wookiee (Peter Mayhew), the first mate/co-pilot on the freighter;
Solo agreed to take them on The Millennium
Falcon to Alderaan, the Princess' home planet
- as they prepared to leave, Han was stopped by a
green-skinned bounty hunter named Greedo (Paul Blake), employed
by fat, slug-like crime lord Jabba the Hutt with a gang of pirates
including another bounty hunter named Boba Fett (Mark Austin);
Greedo demanded a long-overdue payment (with 15% interest) that
Han owed to Jabba; Han promised payment but asked for a little
more time, and then shot the alien thug under the table with his
concealed weapon, and fled to his ship; out on the street,
Ben and Luke had sold their landspeeder to provide their first
payment installment for their journey to Alderaan
- as they left, they had to flee from Imperial troopers
and cruisers (Star Destroyers); at Docking Bay 94, Luke reacted
to Solo's rattle-trap ship: "What a piece of junk!";
they successfully blasted the vessel into the
sky, but it was necessary for Han to jump to the safety of light-speed
to avoid Imperial cruisers (Star Destroyers) in pursuit
- moving into the Alderaan system with the Death Star,
the Grand Moff Tarkin planned to test the power of the Death Star
by threatening to destroy Leia's home of Alderaan - a small
bluish-green planet in space; it was his way of getting Leia to
talk and reveal the locations of other space rebels; the Princess
divulged (falsely) the location of the Rebel base - on
Dantooine in a different planetary system, but the Grand Moff went
ahead anyway, and the blue planet Alderaan was blown to pieces
by a powerful superlaser; Leia watched in horror as her
home planet of Alderaan was destroyed by the Death Star
- on board the Millennium
Falcon, Luke practiced with his Jedi lightsaber; Ben advised
him as a mentor, reminding him during his exercises to rely on
the instinctual responsiveness of the Force rather than on his
conscious self
- as the Millennium Falcoln neared Alderaan,
it emerged into a storm of meteorite rocks and asteroid debris
- the remains of the blown-away planet; they were drawn, pulled,
and helplessly sucked into the huge Death Star by its tractor beam,
and taken captive; during a rescue attempt onboard the Death Star,
where all the principal characters had gathered after the Millennium
Falcon was
captured, Ben claimed he would proceed to disable the tractor beam,
but in fact wanted to seek out his former protege - now arch-enemy
Darth Vader; the others proceeded to the detention block to rescue
the Princess (where she was scheduled to be terminated)
- after the rescue, the group blasted a hole in a
small ventilation shaft and jumped into a garbage chute that led
to a garbage crushing chamber filled with slimy water, garbage,
and a tentacled, single-eyed, snake-like trash monster; after safely
released through open garbage-maintenance hatches, the group then
made their way through the Death Star to the Millennium Falcon;
meanwhile, Vader (Ben's former apprentice) sensed that Ben was
nearby: "Obi-Wan is here. The Force is with him"
- the two fought a confrontational
duel to the death with laser light-sabers; from a distance as they
were escaping, Luke could see their combat and called out: "Ben?";
when Kenobi looked and saw Luke, he smiled, lowered his guard
and sacrificed himself, as Vader struck him down and cut him in
half; his robe fell to the floor, but he had vanished inside -
and merged his consciousness with the Force; Ben had successfully
diverted attention from the rest of the Falcon group
and everyone reached the safety of Han's ship; Solo piloted their vessel,
started the engines, and made their escape from the Death Star
in the beat-up space ship, unlocked from the tractor beam
- the group of rebels escaped
on the Falcon to the secret Rebel base on the far
side of the 4th moon of a small planet named Yavin; there, planning was under
way for a major assault on the Empire's dreaded Death Star; the
Alliance leaders in the Rebel War Room had extracted and studied
the Death Star technical readouts and blueprints, and discovered
its Achilles heel; a precise hit with a proton torpedo on a small
exhaust port should cause a chain reaction to destroy the station
- rewarded for arriving with the group and rescuing
Leia, Han prepared to leave the base (to pay off Jabba) after considering
the mission on the Death Star suicidal, although he did wish Luke
luck: "May the Force be with you";
Luke slipped into his X-wing fighter's
cockpit as part of the Red Group squadron, to be aided by a Gold
Group squadron piloting Y-wing fighters; as he prepared to take
off, Luke heard Ben's spirit speaking to him: "Luke, the Force
will be with you"
- in the film's exciting conclusion, an intergalactic
final battle commenced between the forces of good and evil - the
thirty X-wing Rebel fighters who flew at the Evil Empire's
enormous battle station the Death Star were attacked by TIE fighters
engaging in dogfights; most of the Rebel fighters were shot out
of the sky by Imperial fighters, but Vader was concerned about
a few of the most daring fighters who appeared to be attacking
into the trench - he personally joined the fight in his own fighter
ship; soon with only one minute left before the Death Star was
in range, Luke was the last hope of the Rebels as he sped down
a narrow corridor toward the exhaust port (with his targeting computer
switched off), relying on words he heard spoken by Ben: "Use the Force, Luke"
- at that moment in his battered
freighter, roguish Han Solo and Chewbacca unexpectedly reappeared
("Yahoo!") to save the day - to defend Luke just as Darth
Vader was preparing to destroy his Rebel fighter; Vader's fighter
ship went spinning wildly off into space, as Luke fired at his
target and two proton torpedoes found their mark down the
narrow trench; with Ben's telepathic advice,
Luke proved that he had incorporated the Force ("Use the Force,
Luke") by successfully targeting the Death Star and destroying it rather
than his targeting computer when firing
- Luke in his Red Five and Han and Chewie in their Falcon,
among the few remaining Rebel fighters to survive, returned to
the safety of the Rebel base that had been saved; R2-D2 was repaired,
and Han was commended for his unselfishness: (The Princess: "I
knew it was more to you than money"); in a triumphant celebratory
ceremony, Han and Luke were hailed as heroes by Princess Leia and
other Rebel Alliance members; each of them was decorated and honored
with golden medallions for their bravery
The Opening Scrolling Prologue
The Immense Death Star Space Station

Darth Vader (voice of James Earl Jones) Taking Charge
of a Rebel Spacecraft

Captured Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher)

R2-D2 and C3PO on Tatooine
Princess Leia: "Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my
only hope"

On Tatooine, Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) Gazing at the
Twin Suns

Ben "Obi-Wan" Kenobi (Alec Guinness)
In the Mos Eisley Cantina, Han Solo (Harrison Ford) Blasting
Bounty Hunter Greedo

Han Solo and Chewbacca at the Controls of The Millennium
Falcon - Jumping Into Light-Speed

The Climactic Light-Saber Duel Between Vader and Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi

In Trench, Luke's Starfighter Approach to Target the Death
Star's Weakest Point

Destruction of the Death Star