Mouse Wreckers (1948) (short animation)
In this Warner Bros.' Looney Tunes short cartoon directed
by Chuck Jones, with voices provided by Mel Blanc (Hubie and Claude)
and comedian Stan Freberg (Bertie):
- the efforts of two devilish mice Hubie and Bertie
to remove a cat from their new potential home
- the sight of Claude the Cat's trophy for "Best
Mouser 1948"
- pranks included: pounding the cat on the head with
a wooden plank, inflating the cat with air, baiting the cat with
a bulldog, and tying a string to the cat's tail with the other end
weighted with a dropped rock - propelling the cat throughout the
- Claude's responses: drinking nerve tonic, and reading
Sigmund Fried's Psychology of Dreams, thinking that he was
only dreaming
- and the ultimate trickery to drive Claude insane and
out of the house -- nailing all of the room's furniture to the ceiling,
and painting the ceiling like the floor; the confused cat was also
confounded when looking through three different windows (one with
an upside-down landscape, another sideways, and a third underwater)
Upside-Down Trickery
Two Mice: Hubie and Bertie
"Best Mouser: 1948"
Claude the Cat Inflated with Air